Any member may open a Summer Savings Club. There is no minimum deposit required in the club. This club was designed for members not receiving a paycheck during the summer. Dividends on Summer Savings Clubs follow the same tiered structure as Share Accounts. One half of the balance goes out on July 15th and the other half goes out on August 15th. No other withdrawals are permitted.

Any member may open a Vacation Club at any time. There is no minimum deposit required in the club. Dividends on Vacation Clubs follow the same tiered structure as Share Accounts. The member is permitted 2 withdrawals per year.

Any member may open a Christmas Club at any time. There is no minimum deposit required in the club. Dividends on Christmas Clubs follow the same tiered structure as Share Accounts. Christmas Club money will transfer to the member’s savings or checking account October 1st each year. No withdrawals are permitted at any other time.

April is International Credit Union Youth Month!
Celebrate by making a deposit of $25.00 or more into your account during April, and you will go into a drawing for $100.00. The money will be directly deposited into your account at the credit union.

July is International Credit Union Teen Month!
For the month of July any deposit made into your Teen savings account of $25.00 or more will be entered into a drawing for $100.00. The money will be deposited into their savings account at the credit union.

October is International Credit Union Senior Month!
For the Month of October any deposit made into your Senior’s savings account of $25.00 or more will be entered into a drawing for $100.00. The money will be deposited into their savings account at the credit union.